Contact Us

The Magog Trust may be contacted by:-

Mail: to the registered office at Verger’s Cottage, 1 Gog Magog Way, Stapleford, Cambridge CB22 5BQ.
(Please ensure that all post is clearly marked for The Magog Trust)

(This is our preferred method and will usually elicit the speediest response)

Telephone: 07774 084595 (usually voicemail only)
(For any issues relating to the sheep on site, the Shepherd
can be contacted directly on 07767 895488)



Seen something suspicious?

Any unusual or suspicious behaviour you encounter when visiting Magog Down should be reported to the Police.

Call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.

Call 101 to report crimes that are not an emergency.



Stray/Lost dogs and dangerous dogs

South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Environmental Health team handle enquiries about lost dogs or stray dogs. Their telephone number is 01954 713000See their website for more details on what to do if you have lost your dog, or if you have found a stray dog. It is a legal requirement that every dog in a public place must wear a collar and tag with identification. This enables anyone who has found a stray dog to contact its owner.

Dangerous dogs should be reported to the local Police. Under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 if a dog is dangerously out of control in a public place or in a private place where it is not permitted the owner and the person who was in charge of the dog at the time is guilty of an offence.

Dangerously out of control means “any occasion on which there are grounds for reasonable apprehension that it will injure any person, whether it actually does so…“. The dog does not have to have injured anyone.

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